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    Get all your menus integrated to OpenTable

    Deliverect has partnered with OpenTable to build a reliable two-way integration so you can manage your menus from a single platform with ease.




    1. Thanks to our two-way integrations, you can sync and manage your menus directly from OpenTable.

    2. Deliverect establishes a connection between your delivery channels and OpenTable. 

    3. Existing menus in your delivery channels are then integrated directly to OpenTable.

    4. You get a complete overview of all your menus on one device.

    This integration requires a subscription to OpenTable and Deliverect.

    • Increase revenue. Reach more diners with marketing that drives bookings and guarantees a return.

    • Maximize productivity. Seat more guests and set your team up for success with easy-to-use tools and integrations.

    • Make informed decisions. Personalize service and keep a pulse on performance with real-time insights at your fingertips.

    • Count on live support. Get 24/7 support from a team of hospitality experts committed to your success.



    1. Thanks to our two-way integrations, you can sync and manage your menus directly from OpenTable.

    2. Deliverect establishes a connection between your delivery channels and OpenTable. 

    3. Existing menus in your delivery channels are then integrated directly to OpenTable.

    4. You get a complete overview of all your menus on one device.

    This integration requires a subscription to OpenTable and Deliverect.

    • Increase revenue. Reach more diners with marketing that drives bookings and guarantees a return.

    • Maximize productivity. Seat more guests and set your team up for success with easy-to-use tools and integrations.

    • Make informed decisions. Personalize service and keep a pulse on performance with real-time insights at your fingertips.

    • Count on live support. Get 24/7 support from a team of hospitality experts committed to your success.
