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    Get your online orders integrated to Grafterr

    Deliverect has partnered with Grafterr to build a reliable two-way integration so you can manage your online orders from a single point-of-sale with ease.


    Here’s how our Grafterr integration works

    Our Grafterr integration

    1. Deliverect establishes a connection between your online order and delivery channels and Grafterr. 

    2. Fair & Transparent Pricing Structure

    3. Listed on the Grafterr App and website

    4. Your own branded application and website

    5. Full marketing and partner suite with menu and overall store management

    6. Secure payment gateway provided with card and Apple & Google Pay

      This integration requires a subscription to Grafterr and Deliverect.

    Here’s how our Grafterr integration works

    Our Grafterr integration

    1. Deliverect establishes a connection between your online order and delivery channels and Grafterr. 

    2. Fair & Transparent Pricing Structure

    3. Listed on the Grafterr App and website

    4. Your own branded application and website

    5. Full marketing and partner suite with menu and overall store management

    6. Secure payment gateway provided with card and Apple & Google Pay

      This integration requires a subscription to Grafterr and Deliverect.

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