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    أنظمة نقاط البيع

    Get your online orders integrated to Everyware

    Everyware builds all-in-one, full-featured, cloud-based point-of-sale platform that powers successful restaurants of all shapes and sizes and to manage their hustle and bustle with ease, flexibility and accuracy. Everyware provides a scalable and reliable solution that combines point-of-sale and scan-to-order technologies to enable both staff and customer ordering and to provide decision makers with the right data anytime anywhere.

    الشركات العملاقة تثق في دليفركت

    تكامل undefined مع دليفركت

    تواصل معنا لمناقشة تفاصيل أعمال مؤسستك والتحضير وإعداد عرض تجريبي مجاني لمعاينة دليفركت أثناء العمل