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    Use DoorDash Drive as your fulfilment partner

    Deliverect has partnered with DoorDash Drive to build a reliable two-way integration so you can effortlessly scale your delivery operations.

    DoorDash Drive
    DoorDash Drive

    Here’s how our DoorDash Drive integration works

    Our DoorDash Drive integration

    1. Deliverect establishes a connection between DoorDash Drive and your in-house order management system. 

    2. Online orders are integrated directly to your POS.

    3. Deliverect finds available delivery offers.

    4. You can assign the order to a fulfillment partner.

    5. The delivery driver picks up the order and delivers it to the customer.

    This integration requires a subscription to DoorDash Drive and Deliverect.

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    Here’s how our DoorDash Drive integration works

    Our DoorDash Drive integration

    1. Deliverect establishes a connection between DoorDash Drive and your in-house order management system. 

    2. Online orders are integrated directly to your POS.

    3. Deliverect finds available delivery offers.

    4. You can assign the order to a fulfillment partner.

    5. The delivery driver picks up the order and delivers it to the customer.

    This integration requires a subscription to DoorDash Drive and Deliverect.

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