Get your online orders integrated to Cassa in Cloud
Cassa in Cloud is a cloud-based POS that helps you manage your Restaurant or Store. It’s a full ecosystem of solutions, willing to enable you to meet all your needs. From selling offline to online we've got you covered!
Eis como funciona a nossa integração Cassa in Cloud:
A nossa integração Cassa in Cloud
Our Cassa in Cloud integration
Here’s how our Cassa in Cloud integration works:
Deliverect establishes a connection between your online order and delivery channels and your Cassa in Cloud POS.
Orders made on a variety of delivery platforms are then aggregated directly to your Cassa in Cloud POS system.
You get a complete overview of all your orders on one device.
Thanks to our two-way integrations, you can also sync online menus directly from your Cassa in Cloud POS.
This integration requires a subscription to Cassa in Cloud and Deliverect.
Some of Cassa in Cloud's key features:
Electronic invoicing and receipts
Control & Manage your activity wherever you are, in real-time
Sell online and offline. It tracks everything you need to give customers a perfect service
Supported in
Additional information
Eis como funciona a nossa integração Cassa in Cloud:
A nossa integração Cassa in Cloud
Our Cassa in Cloud integration
Here’s how our Cassa in Cloud integration works:
Deliverect establishes a connection between your online order and delivery channels and your Cassa in Cloud POS.
Orders made on a variety of delivery platforms are then aggregated directly to your Cassa in Cloud POS system.
You get a complete overview of all your orders on one device.
Thanks to our two-way integrations, you can also sync online menus directly from your Cassa in Cloud POS.
This integration requires a subscription to Cassa in Cloud and Deliverect.
Some of Cassa in Cloud's key features:
Electronic invoicing and receipts
Control & Manage your activity wherever you are, in real-time
Sell online and offline. It tracks everything you need to give customers a perfect service